There will be a volleyball tournament today, and you will play the Pill Volley game. You can play volleyball with figures that look like little pills.
The volleyball court will be shown on the screen in front of you. Your person will be on one side, and the enemy will be in front of him. When the whistle blows, the ball will start the game. To hit the ball and throw it to the other team's side, you will have to move your figure around the field. Change the direction of your hit all the time so that the ball lands on the other team's side. You get points and score a goal this way.
The game can be played by one or two people. The players will be chosen at random. The rules say that you can't hold the ball in your half-court and that you have to send it to the other team's area without dropping it. The other player gets a plus one if you drop or wait.