Bitlife is a fantastic text-based life simulation game with a wide variety of choices and totally unrestricted life decisions.
Are you prepared to face all the obstacles the world has to offer, including a complicated existence filled with difficult choices, many ups and downs? This is the perfect opportunity to reflect on your life, if you've never done so. Explore all of life's phases in this enjoyable online game. Live your life one step at a time while discovering the globe. When you are born, you have no idea what your gender or upbringing are. Explore every stage of life in this enjoyable online game. Explore the globe while taking your life slowly.
Which route will you pick in Bitlife? Would you go out of your way, be active all the time, break the law, and try to escape being imprisoned in order to meet your parents' wishes for you to have a respectable degree, the perfect marriage, and children? The tale is up to you. Learn how your success in the game of life may be determined by the little decisions you make.
Make your pick with the mouse.
Have fun with Bitlife!